Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's time for an eye exam!

Download wordart here

So, this week my class is working on the letter "m" and it's sound. I pulled up a computer site that I love because it has all kinds of things to read and do for each letter of the alphabet. I had the smartboard on so everyone could see what we were doing.

There is one section for the letter "m" has has you reading sentences and then asking the kids which words in the sentences begin with the /m/ sound. We got through the first couple of sentences with no problem. Then, I start reading the next sentence....

ME: Mark and Mike are....wait!....what does that say?...
Random kids: We don't know those words!

I thinking this website has REALLY changed since I covered the letter "m" last year. I stop looking at the smartboard and turn to look at the computer screen which is closer to where I'm sitting.

I see that the first word in the sentence isn't's Maria. So the sentence actually read...

Maria and Mark are getting married.

I'm a "to each his own" kind of gal, but I really did not want to explain the sentence "Mark and Mike are getting married" to my kindergarten class. lol!


  1. Thank you for your freebies. Link on your post was added to PickleMouse freebie list

  2. Now that would have been an interesting lesson to explain to the parents! WOW! LOL Thanks for the word art!

  3. Love your stories! I once had a student tell me that you don't have to be married to have a kid!! (First Grade) No comment to that one! Just went on. Thanks for the freebie.
