Saturday, March 3, 2012

Green Eggs and Ham?

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So, we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday with the annual cooking of green eggs and ham. I cooked! I cooked enough for two classes. I wouldn't eat any of it, but I cooked!

I started the first batch and was so proud of myself. I was thinking about pulling the camera out and taking a picture of everything cause it was cooking up so pretty. Seriously, I was starting to think that my bad chef curse had been lifted! That's when I noticed that I had forgotten to add the food coloring.....and the ham. Basically, I was just cooking scrambled eggs. lol!

I quickly added some ham and food coloring...but in my mini panic I added way too much food coloring. Now, I was looking at a pan full of blue eggs and ham. lol! There was no saving the poor eggs, unless I added the rest of the eggs and the ham. So, that's what I did.

The yellow from the extra eggs helped to tone down the blue color and they started looking a good way, since it was green eggs and ham. lol!

The kids ate the mess (I mean the eggs) and everyone survived. I think that qualifies as a success.


  1. Did you know that the colored water from boiled beets will turn your eggs green, too?? Old middle school science project.

    D :)

    1. Wow, I'm older than dirt and thought I'd heard just about everything. Boiled beet water turning eggs green - hmmm, might be a fun thing to do with the grandchildren. Just goes to show that the learning process never ends.

    2. Wow, I'm older than dirt and thought I'd heard just about everything. Boiled beet water turning eggs green - hmmm, might be a fun thing to do with the grandchildren. Just goes to show that the learning process never ends.
