Sunday, March 4, 2012

I am a photography goddess!

Download wordart here plastic

What a difference a week makes! My pictures were a hit in class this week even though I didn't think any of them were better than my plastic Jesus picture. I have decided that discussing the artistic aspects of my photos with my instructor is like discussing politics with my mother ~~~not a good idea! We don't agree at all!

This first photo he loved! He said that I didn't need to tell a story about the picture because the picture tells it's own story...

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I know he said I didn't need to tell the story of the photo, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Here it is.....

This is a stupid photo that I only took because I thought my photography instructor would like it. The End

How'd you like that story? lol!

I had other pictures of this building that I liked, but this is the one the instructor liked...

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Although,he liked this photo I was shown how he would crop it to make it even better and I was going to do it before sharing it with you, but it's Saturday and I'm being lazy...

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Now, what shall I photograph this week?


  1. I think you should photograph cute fajita delivery guy!

  2. I love the sentiment. Thanks. :)

  3. Your story, as always was most entertaining.....will there be a sequel!!!!?

  4. It's delightful to read about your journey with photography. Actually, it's delightful to read anything you write :D
    Thank you for all the fabulous freebies!

  5. thanks for all your fab freebies and to read you again xx
