Saturday, October 27, 2012

I love weekends!

Download word art here

I plan on having a very laid back do nothing kind of weekend.  As a matter of fact, it's going to be so laid back that other than an appointment to get my hair cut I may not leave home.  Heck, I may not even head out to get my hair cut!  lol!

Getting from my house to the causeway this morning was no fun.  The streets were flooded and I just wanted to turn around and go home.  It was a teacher workday so there were no kids anyway.  When I got to school, I let my principal know that if I weren't already taking off half of November I would have just stayed home.  lol!

Now, November 1 is less than a week away and you know I've already told Orange Croc Guy to stay far far away from the basketball courts.  But what about me?  Should I attempt NANOWRIMO this year?

I love the idea of starting another novel even if I'm the only one that reads it.  The days I'm home recuperating may go by faster if I'm trying to reach that 50K word goal. 

What do you think?  Should I go for it?  Will you guys read what I write?  Can you offer up some names for characters?


  1. Ciril wonderful name can be anything from posh boy to idiot to evil world dominator in disguise. thanks as all always for the wonderful words. EE

  2. Yes, yes, yes we'll read it if you post it here! as far as names...depends on the charcters attributes. Give us a hint and we'll offer names.

    Adored today's word art. I love being sarcastic in the cards I give :)

  3. Thought today's word art was soooo appropriate for me! lol. Thank you

    Love a new novel. ...... Hope you stay safe in the storm and your internet doesn't go down!!!!!

  4. LOVE it! Thanks for sharing your sense of humour!

  5. This is perfect for my great granddaughters cards, thank you bunches hugs, Cathy

  6. Another novel?? Of course!!! I have read your last two and have been in awe. Characters? Give us some character traits then we can help you with names. Sorry you had all the flooding but you were spared from all the turmoil. Enjoy the rest of your week.
