Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wonderfully lazy!

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The rain we were supposed to get today stayed away.  Instead, we had a windy but beautiful day.

There was still some standing water in the streets around here, but it was nothing like Friday morning.

I made it to my haircut appointment and met a friend for lunch, but other than that I have done absolutely nothing and it's been wonderful!

I wish I were rich so that I could do nothing everyday!


  1. Thanks for the sentiment
    hugs Linda

  2. Thank you very much. :)

  3. Sentiment is fun - thank you! I wish I were rich and would make cards all day!!!

  4. This is too funny! Thank you... Like Charlene (above) I wish I could make cards all day. Retirement is not far away and looking better than I ever expected!

  5. How funny, have just the photo for it too! Thanx!
