Monday, November 26, 2012

Another surgery for Sebastian

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Remember the text message I promised to tell you about?  The one that reminded me of just how lucky I am?  Well, here it is...

"Sebastian is scheduled for surgery on Dec. 19 for his right arm.....He's scared but he's being a little soldier."

I was reminded of how lucky I was to know such an amazing little boy.  My scars will heal and no one will ever be the wiser.  Only the people I have chosen to tell will ever even know what I've gone through. 

Sebastian's scars are different.  There is no hiding them.  They are there for anyone to see.  He is only six, but he is confident enough in who he is as a person not to hide these markings. 

He is a soldier.  He is a tiny little six year old soldier who is facing a very big battle.

This surgery will be more difficult than the last one.  It will bring more pain and possibly even more rewards.

You see, if this surgery is a success, Sebastian will have movement at his elbow.  He will actually be able to bend his arm.  Can you imagine that?  Something that seems so simple to you and I could make all the difference in his life.  Just think of all the possibilities that could open up for him!

This surgery is also scary because he's had it before...on his left arm.  That surgery didn't work.  There is no movement at his left elbow.  There is no movement, but there is a scar.  A permanent reminder of what might have have been and what we hope can still be.....someday.

If this surgery is a success the doctor's are willing to go back in and redo the left arm.  Another surgery.....another chance....endless possibilities.

This surgery is different because Sebastian is six now.  Even though it's been less than a year since his last surgery he will tell you that he is a year older.  A year older because he is six now. 

He is no longer in Kindergarten.  He still likes Justin Bieber.  He still thinks that everyone should just be nice.  He still loves Spiderman and video games.  He now wants to be a doctor when he grows up ~ a doctor who helps children with their bones.  He still loves the smell of his mommy's house.  He wants to grow up and get married and have children ~ a boy and a girl.  I know that he would still save the princess if he could.  He is still the bravest person I have ever met.  He is still my hero.

Christmas will be very different for Sebastian this year.  I am sure that he will receive the normal presents and well wishes that all six year old boys hope for this time of year, but there will also be doctors and casts and pain and medication and sleepless nights for him as well as his parents.

 Because he is six now, Sebastian is that much more aware of what going to the hospital means.  He is more aware of the pain he will endure.  He is more aware of the hard work that will come after the surgery.  He is more aware of his differences and how special they make him.  He is more aware of the world around him and the looks he gets from strangers.

Perhaps the biggest and best gift Sebastian can receive this year is hope.  Hope for a surgery that accomplishes what was only a dream a few short years ago.  Hope for an arm that works the way it should. Hope for the future that he dreams of having.

I am once again asking for your help in filling his hospital room with love and hope.  The cards you sent for the last surgery meant the world to him.  He still talks about them and the far away places from which they arrived. 

Do you think it's possible to get even more cards this time?

Please share this post and send a card if you can

c/o Ms. Brown's Class
Greynolds Park Elementary School
1536 NE 179 Street
North Miami Beach, FL 33162

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

For those of you that are new to my blog and don't know Sebastian's story, you can read about his last surgery here.


  1. You're the best....I'll be sure to spread the word all the pics of Sebastian:)

  2. What a brave boy! I really hope the surgery is successful for him. x

  3. Thank you for updating us. My prayers are for him and I will make a special card.
    Love you both

  4. What a touching post. MY prayers are with him and his family.

  5. I will be praying for him on his upcoming surgery!!! And I will be sending him a card too!!!!

  6. I agree with your words, thank you for the freebie! I wish I had time to make a card for Sebastian.

  7. Your sentiments always either crack me up,or make me go aaawwwwww! I'm so sorry Sebastian has such a hard road ahead. Children are so good with those sorts of things. They don't carry all the baggage we have. I'll be anxious to hear how it goes.

  8. I hadn't opened this blog post from the 26th as yet. I just got an email from the Spllitcoast Teapotter head and saw it there. I am glad Sebastian is having the surgery in hope that it will help him. I'm sad for all this sweet, kind, smart little guy has to go through ... again. I will be there for this drive as I was the last. God bless him and his family and you for being his supporting angel--and all the boys and girls (his classmates) who will lovingly make him greetings, I'm sure. :) THANKS Ginger for sharing his story and rallying for him as you do. You have a big, kind heart. :)

  9. I heard about little Sebastian through Amy. I will keep him in my prayers.
    Our God is loving and caring and hears all prayers. Thank you for sharing. I am happy to send a card.

  10. My card is made and will be mailed to you tomorrow.

  11. Hey Ginger. You can count on me to spread the word for you. I'll add snippets to the Saturday Showcase and provide your link for the full story. Hope that you are finally feeling a bit better.

    Lisa D.

  12. got my card sent off today :) so glad you let us know of your card drive for this sweet little guy :)

  13. Sending well wishes to Sebastian!! I made a card and will be putting it in the mail today!!! Thanks for all you do to bring a smile to this sweet little boys face!!

  14. I heard Sebastian thru Annette thru Amy! I will send a card to him by this weekend! Thank you for organising this card drive for him!

  15. Sending well wishes to Sebastian!!! Hes Champ!!!I will be praying for him on his upcoming surgery!!!I've sent a card to Sebastian last year...and sending again this year too...

  16. Sending lots of love to Sebastian and his family! My card is in the mail!

  17. I'll be making and sending a card, as well as spreading the word to others and praying for Sebastian and his whole family. Thanks for allowing us the honor of knowing Sebastian and his story.

  18. Thank you for letting us know about this sweet boy~blessings!

  19. I'm sending him two cards today...too late to arrive before his surgery I'm afraid :( I hope they put a smile on his face regardless of the timing. Thank you for giving us the chance to help this beautiful boy. My heart swells for him and his family. Blessings to you, Barb xx

  20. I hope his surgery will be a success. He is such a brave boy. All the best wishes.

    xxx Glenda

  21. I wish you all luck in the world (you and Sabstian) and sorry for just running into this now! For one so small to have to go thought this is so hard. All my blessings are with you and your family and I hope everything is going well at the present, because I don't see an update frm you! Let us know how he and you are doing
