Thursday, February 28, 2013

I can't believe I'm saying this...

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I really can't believe I'm saying this but,  I think I'm partied out.  Dr. Seuss week has kicked my butt and there are still two more days to go.

It's fun and exhausting all at the same time and I better get to sleep so I'll be ready for The Cat in the Hat. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


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So, Monday night we went out to dinner and on the walk back home I managed to step on a rock and twist my ankle.  It wasn't that painful and we actually thought it was funny.  Of course, the cocktails we had at dinner may have had something to do with that. lol!

Tuesday morning I get out of bed and can barely stand on my ankle.  After lots of hopping, limping and swearing it got better but it was still painful.  I managed to get through the day without an obvious limp, but it's still a little swollen and not nearly as funny as it seemed to be Monday night.  lol!

My alarm goes off at 6 in the morning and I actually get up sometime between then and 6:30.  So, if you hear the echo of some pretty choice four letter words around that time don't worry too much.  It just means I'm up and trying to walk.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Oy vey!

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This day kicked my butt! 

Why is it that when the air at school isn't working I feel lethargic but the kids get more hyper?

Thank goodness, they got the air going.  Lets just hope it keeps working.

BTW, it feels really weird to be worried about the AC when some of you are knee deep in snow.  You're always welcomed to visit Miami.

Monday, February 25, 2013

It's Dr. Seuss week!

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Well, I was worried that my weekend would be boring because I had a little let down on Thursday night.  I found out that there was a bacon festival on Saturday and I really wanted to go.  Orange Croc Guy wasn't as excited.

OCG:  Why would we go to a bacon festival?

Me: Because that's what we do!  We're the kind of people who go to tattoo conventions and bacon festivals.

I decided that I would get Lonely Girl to go with me since OCG was being a stick in the mud.  I mean, she picked up a guy in a dress at the the Renaissance Festival so I couldn't wait to see who/what she could pick up at a bacon festival.  lol!

But, when I went online to look for tickets, I learned that the bacon festival was sold out.  SOLD OUT!  Who would have guessed?  lol!

Lonely Girl was just as disappointed as I was!

It was also the weekend of the South Beach Food and Wine Festival, so we still had lots of things to see and do and lots of extra traffic to avoid.  I'll try to get some pictures posted soon.

Thank goodness the foodies will be leaving town now and it will be easier to get into a restaurant and to drive anywhere.  Of course, the spring breakers will be hitting the beach soon, so it's all just a cruel circle.

This is going to be one of those really busy but fun weeks at school cause we're celebrating Dr. Seuss all week.  Monday is all about The Lorax and Truffala Trees made using Twizzlers and cotton candy.  YUM!  lol!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Bees Knees

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***Come back tomorrow for the boy version of this word art***

Look at this awesomely cute kit from The Kit Cart called The Bees Knees...

There are 16 papers, 56 elements and an alpha in The Bees Knees and they are all adorable!!!!

I love this kit, but I've had a busy and not very fun week, so I"ve only made one layout using a soon to be released template from Nibbles Skribbles...

Watch for more layouts from me using those adorable bees!  And.....head over to Gotta Pixel and grab this kit while it's on sale!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friends Across the Miles by Shel Belle Scraps and B2N2 Scraps

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Shel Belle Scraps and B2N2 Scraps have teamed up on a really cute kit called Friends Across the Miles

This kit, with it's warm rich colors, is perfect for scrapping photos of all your friends ~ near and far.  It has 20 papers, 48 elements and a full alpha.  If you hurry, you may be able to buy Friends Across the Miles while it's on sale!

Take a look at my layouts...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How does your garden grow?

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One of the teachers at school already has growth in her garden.

I have nothing!

Is anyone really shocked by this?

I'm not!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Back to work

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I have enjoyed three wonderfully blissful days of doing as little as possible, but that's ending now.  I have to go back to work and it will be the end of March before I get another long weekend. 

I can do this....I can do this....I can do this...

Monday, February 18, 2013

It's been a cold weekend

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We waited until the middle of February to have our first cold days of winter, but man did we ever do it right!  It has been C-O-L-D!!!!!

I took advantage of the cold weather and did absolutely nothing, but lie around under a blanket watching TV and drinking hot chocolate.  It's been awesome!

Actually, I visited the home of a former student today and took some pictures for her birthday.  Of course, I haven't even looked at them yet cause I was busy lying around under the blanket, watching TV and drinking hot chocolate. Maybe tomorrow...

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Soar by Nibbles Skribbles

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Manda of Nibbles Skribbles has released some great kits this month, but this one is my favorite.  Soar has 39 elements, 12 wordbits, 12 papers and an alpha.

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Check out some of the matching goodies...

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I thought the theme of this kit was perfect for scrapping some pictures of Sebastian...

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You can find this kit in the Nibbles Skribbles store at The Studio along with all of the other wonderful kits that Manda has released.

Friday, February 15, 2013

How was your Valentine's Day?

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I spent my Valentine's Day trapped in a classroom with 18 kindergarten students and no air conditioning.  That means I arrived home after work hot, tired, cranky and in need of a cool shower, a cold drink and a nap.

Orange Croc Guy called to wake me up and say that I had three choices for dinner....

1. I could cook for him   
2. He could cook for me   
3. We could order fajitas

I immediately asked if option number 1 was a joke and he confirmed that it was which made me happy cause I really didn't want to stop talking to him and risk burning down my building all on the same day.

I also ruled out ordering fajitas which shocked OCG until I explained my reason.  You see, the last time we ordered fajitas the cute fajita delivery guy didn't bring them some girl did and if that happened again then Valentine's Day would be forever ruined.....not to mention the wasted make up.

OCG cooked steaks.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I must have been sleepy...

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I woke up this morning and found my toothbrush in the trash can.  Seriously!  I don't keep my toothbrush any where near the trash can so the only way it could have gotten there is if I threw it away after brushing my teeth.  I don't remember throwing it away, but I must have.....unless.....the bathroom ghost is back and has decided to stop flushing the toilet and start throwing my toothbrush away. 

Don't laugh!  It could happen!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Am Loved by Two Moose Designs

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Here's the newest installment in the Two Moose Designs "I Am" product line.  In honor of February, this kit is called I Am Loved.  It's an amazingly beautiful kit with a vintage feel. 

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There are 51 elements, 14 papers and two alphas.  There's also some matching journal cards, letterpress words and wordart.

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Check out the Two Moose Designs store at The Studio for an amazing sale price on this kit!!!

Manda and Steph also made a mini matching kit with some basic elements and papers.  The basics kit has 19 elements and 9 papers.

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I used elements from the full I Am Loved kit as well as The Basics kit on my layouts...

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Saturday fun

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On Saturday we took a little road trip up to Jupiter, Florida to visit the Blowing Rocks Preserve.  It's a very pretty spot along the beach where the coastline isn't completely flat.  At high tide they say the waves hit the rocks and can splash as high as 50 feet in the air.  Sadly, we didn't see that but it was still beautiful!

Yep, this is where I was while some of you were snowed in. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Made With Love by The Kit Cart

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The Gotta Grab It minis are up at Gotta Pixel and The Kit Cart has some great ones called Made With Love....

Right now these are all on sale for $1 a piece and since all the Gotta Grab It minis are made using the same colors you can mix and match all you want!

Here's my layout...