Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dealing with the stress...

Download word art here

One of you commented that I should go to "a happy place" since  the stress level this week is off the charts.  So, here are more pictures from our Tennessee vacation.  These were actually taken on the morning of my birthday and the rime ice was beyond beautiful!


  1. Beautiful photos! That is one of my happy places also! Hope the remainder of the week goes well!

    Thank you for the word art.

  2. Tennessee is a gorgeous place. Your pictures are terrific. Rime is one of my favorite things to wake up to. It fascinates me. Makes everything so white. Some days it doesn't even go away! Brrrrr. I hope that the rest of your week goes well. It is hard to work in a place that makes you want to run away whenever you think about it. Keep the faith. God has you there for a reason.

  3. What beautiful pictures! Lovely eye you have for them too.
    Now as for the word art, THANK YOU!!! I am going to make my other half a card.
    Love it, xoxo Nana

  4. THAT's why I love Winter! Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful, wonderful pictures.

  5. Thanks for sharing those beautiful photos. Wow.
