Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Seriously, folks...

Download word art here

If any of you know and/or run into Russell Brand would  you please ask him to come and take me away from all of this?


  1. Hahahahaha - Fabulous !!! THANK YOU xxxx

  2. Girl, he might be cute but he's a cheater. What you need is to find a better school system. Here in New Hampshire our little town has an amazing school budget (and the taxes to show it!). There is so much out there, and having lived in Florida, most of it ain't there. Yeah, it's warm, but golly, water is also nice. Ha! Thanks for your posts, always love em.

  3. LOL. Great saying fo us all. So sorry for u, teaching is hard without the grin he's in this world.

  4. I love it! Need to print this one for hubby! HA ha ha. Mom got him a shirt "Procrastinators of the World Unite- Tomorrow..."
    xo Nana
