Download wordart hereYour comments and emails have been wonderful. Thank you so much!
I love that you guys let me totally vent and then lift me up without getting all judgey and everything.
However, I also know that no one wants to read depressing blog posts every day. So, I thought I would tell you something I am thankful for.
I didn't want to go with the obvious things that everyone says they're thankful for cause that would be cliche and boring. You know what I mean.....
I'm thankful I'm a natural blonde, I'm thankful I have a hot fajita delivery guy, I'm thankful Orange Croc Guy is a better cook than I am, blah blah blah, etc., etc., etc.....
I really am thankful for those things, but I wanted to go deeper. I wanted to think about the little things you're thankful for that you might not even think about on a daily basis.
I was watching a rerun of The Big Bang Theory when it occured to me what I should tell you I'm thankful for. Actually, it during one of the commerical breaks.....
I am thankful that the people responsible for those stupid free credit report commercials brought back the original band.Seriously!
I get that they're actors and not even a real band and that the commercials are stupid and annoying, but you know you've sung along to the songs just like I have. Admit it!
I've got nothing against the second band. They just weren't the original guys and the original guys are just so awesomely corny and bad that I love them.
So, what are you thankful for? lol!