***If the download link isn't working, please, just right click on the word art and save it to your computer.***

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Coloring outside the lines

I have a student that colors outside the lines. He just grabs a crayon and goes for it. I've shown him the proper way to hold his crayon. I've shown him papers that are perfectly colored. I've asked him to try and stay inside the lines. He says that his way is just more fun and then grabs another color. He is always happy and he is always proud of his work.

Maybe we can all learn from him. Sometimes, life gets messy and trying to force everything to fit inside the lines makes it even messier. Maybe we should just grab our favorite colors and have fun.

Today is a new day and we've got a blank canvas to color. How will you fill yours?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I spent most of last night doing some much needed things around the house. YUCK! Here's a little goodie for anyone else that hates doing housework as much as I do...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The computer problems I've beenhaving have really set me back on some things I need to get done. I took a nice long nap earlier and I'm off to bed again soon. I almost want to give up and not do some of the things I need to get done, but I've got people depending on me so I cna't do that. Instead, I'm going to keep doing the best I can do and hope that everything works out in the end.

We've all got our share of problems, and this too shall pass...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Days like this...

Would you believe I had more computer trouble? We thought we had gotten it fixed but there was spyware hiding in my computer. Anyway, I was on the phone with a tech guy until 2:30 this morning. That left me going to school with less than four hours sleep. Too bad we don't take naps in Kindergarten anymore! LOL!

Well, I got to school only to learn that the air conditioning was out in my building. That might sound strange to those of you that live where the weather is getting cooler, but this is Miami--- Home of year round air conditioning! Being in a classroom with 18 five year olds when the AC is out is no picnic.

I was born here, but I grew up in a small North Carolina town that I couldn't wait to leave after high school. Days like today, remind me of just how good those NC days were. I actually miss the winter sweaters and snow days. Oh, how I miss those snow days! The best ones were when it snowed during the night and you woke up to find everything covered in a beautiful white blanket, then you turned on the TV and learned that school was closed. Life was at its best on those days.

The weather man says that it's going to get cold here over the next couple of days. That means the high tomorrow is only expected to reach 72. LOL! Then is should slowly warm back up after that. Guess we're not going to get any sympathy from those of you that are already experiencing temperatures in the 50's, are we?

Anyway, I normally claim Florida as my home state and I do it proudly, but days like today just seem to carry me back. Here's a goodie for anyone that understands how it feels to miss a place you couldn't get away from fast enough...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just a quick post

I just wanted to make a quick post to share a Halloween goodie that I needed. Am I the only one still working on Halloween? This always happens to me!

Enjoy your day and here's the goodie if you can use it...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Well, this day blew!

I had an aweful day! On top of the funeral my computer got sick and died. My friend Brent (Orange Croc Guy to those of you that know me) spent most of the day bringing it back to life for me. I owe him a lifetime supply of beer and will gladly repay the debt! He was able to save lots of my things and I am so grateful!

I've cried so much today my eyes are swollen. I want to crawl into a nice warm bubble bath and escape for awhile and that is exactly what I am going to do. I decided that before I write this day off I would make a list of some good things that happened so that I won't feel totally defeated. Here's my list...

1. I woke up (that's way better than the alternative)

2. I got on the scales and I was 4 pounds lighter than I was this time last week. (Don't know how that happened, just glad it did!)

3. I found my missing resort pass (thank goodness)

4. I found 20 dollars (yipee!)

5. I paid less than $3.00 a gallon for gas for the first time in I don't know how long (It was $2.99 LOL)

6. I have a friend that spent most of his day taking care of me (Thank you, Orange Croc Guy!)

Well that's my list. I feel better already! Now, it's off to that bubble bath then to bed.

I hope you don't have too many days like mine, but if you do remember....

Today I am attending a funeral...

On Thursday, my friend was killed in a car accident. It doesn't feel real yet and I keep expecting him to knock on my door. I have never liked attending funerals and he knew this. I am someone that is always talking but can never find the right words when I really need them.

One of the first conversations I ever had with him was an argument. I knew then that we would be friends. He never wasted a moment of his life and I envied that about him. He made everyday feel like a party and I loved that about him.

He insisted that the catwalk that connects the building we live in to the condos across the couryard was only to be used on sunny days. In his mind, it was mandatory to run across the courtyard to visit on rainy days. One day, I asked him why he insisted on doing this and he simply answered, "Because it's fun." He then went on to lecture me on the joys of walking by the water when it's raining with no lightning.

His death was quick and dramatic as he would have liked. His funeral will be small and private as he requested.

It is supposed to rain today and that feels right because today I am attending a funeral and when I return home; if it is raining, with no lightning, I will walk by the water...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Blonde Moments

Yes, I am a natural blonde. When my friends tell me a blonde joke, I try telling them that it's the fake blondes that give us a bad rep. However, mornings like this tend to prove me wrong.

I didn't have to go to school today so I got to sleep in and it felt so good. I woke up and immediately wanted to get my day started. Getting all kinds of things out of the way today means I don't have to worry about them over the weekend. Going to the grocery store was at the top of my list. I hate fighting the crowds there on weekends. When I tell you that there is a crowd at the grocery store I'm not kidding---one of the downfalls of living in a tourist area.

It took me about five minutes to find where I left my keys. Of course, they were right where they were supposed to be. LOL! Then I didn't have my resort pass that lets me get inside the gate where I live. I know I used it last night to let myself in one of the walking gates and it should have been where my keys were, but it wasn't. After searching the only places it should have been, I gave up. I decided to take the chance that when I was ready to return home, there would be a guard at the back gate that remembered me from one of the other thousand or so times that I didn't have my pass.

I go to get in my car and it wasn't parked where I thought it was parked. You see, I forgot about running out last night and returning to the parking garage to find that someone else had taken the spot I had vacated. When my car wasn't on the second level of the parking garage where I thought I had last parked, it took me some time to find it on the fifth level.

A friend told me several years ago that I should always try to park somewhere on the same level so that I'll always have some idea of where my car is. Of course, as today proves, I haven't taken his advice yet. LOL! But all is well, I made it to the grocery store and returned home to find a friendly guard on the gate that knows me. Now if only I could find that resort pass.....

Here's a goodie for all of your blonde moments...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Letting Go

I know a teenager with a broken heart. She has announced, in that dramatic way that only teenagers can, that her life will never be happy again. He was the best thing that ever happened to her and she isn't ever going to date anyone else. Well, her father was rather happy with the last part of her announcement. LOL!
She is sad and we tried not to let her see us laugh as she told us all that there was no way we could ever understand or when she checked the caller ID on a phone that didn't ring to see if she had missed a call from him. However, I'm pretty sure she heard the laughter after she stormed down the hall and slammed her bedroom door.
We weren't laughing at her. We were laughing because we have all been there. We were all just as dramatic. We were all just as sure that we would never recover from the heart break. We were also laughing because we were on our second pitcher of Margaritas, but she doesn't need to know that. LOL!
I want to tell her that she is going to be fine, no, better than fine. She is a young, beautiful, intelligent lady and she will know an endless amount of happiness in her life. The unhappy days that have been and that will continue to be sprinkled throughout her life are the days that will ultimately lead her to the places she needs to be so that she can know what true happiness is.
I want to tell her that maybe he is the best thing that has ever happened to her, but he is not the best thing that will ever happen. She is at the end of one road, but there are other roads to travel down and they each bring new adventures. What she considers "the best thing" at seventeen won't hold a candle to her "best thing" five years or even just one year from now.
I want to tell her that, much to her father's chagrin, she will date again. She will date and she will fall in love. Sadly, she may know more heartache. She may even cause someone's heart to break. But she will live to date another day and she will date even cuter guys. LOL!
I want to tell her that someday she will look back on this day and smile. She won't forget the pain she feels now but the sting from that pain will fade and only the memory will remain. She may look back and see her "what if" guy or she may look back and see an "OMG! What was I thinking" guy. Either way, she will smile.
I want to tell her these things but I think I will wait. I am going to wait because she is seventeen and sad. I am going to wait because right now these aren't the words she wants to hear. I am going to wait because I know she will just say that I don't understand. I am going to wait because like the saying goes---When you're seventeen, it's hard to see past Friday night.
Here's a goodie for anyone else that knows the pain of letting go...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

1 apology and 2 Thank yous

I am so sorry but the Life is a party wordart had a mistake on it. I've fixed it now and reloaded it at 4shared. Thank you Kelsey for letting me know!

You can get the corrected version here...

My second thank you goes out to Christine. I don't always read my email before leaving in the mornings, but today I did and I am so glad! You will never know how much your short message meant to me. My spirit needed a lift and thanks to you it got one.

Here's a goodie for everyone in your honor...

I can only make a quick post today. I've got lots of things to do and I am behind on all of them.....by that I mean that I haven't started any of them. LOL! I have candy bar wrappers to design for a 10 year old's birthday party, Halloween treats to make for my friends, patterns to trace for tomorrow's art center, a Halloween bragbook page to make for a swap I'm in and I need to design voter registration cards and ballots for the great GPES election of '08. I wonder who will win----ice cream or pizza. Thank goodness I've got a long weekend coming up!

After reading back over my last couple of entries here it looks like I've been in a very serious mood, but it's actually been quite the opposite. Have you ever noticed that it's when you are the busiest that you are the happiest and the most creative? Right now I'm so tired that I don't know if I'm coming or going but I've got a hundred ideas flowing through my brain. Maybe I'm coming out of that creative rut I've been in.

Enjoy your day! Here's a goodie for you...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Life is a party

***If you downloaded this on or before 10-22-08, please check below and make sure you have the corrected version. Kelsey, thanks for the heads up!

Have you ever heard of Lincoln Road on Miami Beach? I live within walking distance of this popular place for trendy shops and restaurants. My friends and I like to go out at least once a week and visit. Ususally we'll end up sitting at one of the outside tables in front of any of the restaurants along Lincoln Road. It's fun to sit there and discuss our day while we people watch. If you've ever visited Miami Beach, you know that we've got lots of people to watch. LOL!

We've been having such beautiful weather here lately that we just had to go out and enjoy it. So there we sat Monday night, drink in hand, sharing stories of everything that's happpened since we had last sat at that same exact table four night earlier. We laughed, we made plans for the weekend, we laughed some more, we walked home.

It sounds like a simple night spent with friends and that's what it was. Yet, it was also so much more than that. It was a party. A small party, but a party just the same and I am so glad that I was invitted. But I'm even more glad that I chose to go and not sit at home.

Will you accept the next invitation you receive or will you let it pass you by? Here's a goodie for you while you think about your answer...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Then and now

Yesterday, I had someone from my past contact me. It was an old boyfriend. He was my "what if" guy. You know, the one you think about and wonder how different your life would be if you had stayed together. We had kept in touch through Christmas cards and the occasional phone call every year or so, but we hadn't seen each other since right after college. So, when he called to say that he was in Miami and would love to see me I was shocked. Mostly, because he had always said that he hated Miami. LOL!

I met him for dinner last night and we did some sight seeing. We laughed over stories from our past and caught up on our current lives. His son turning sixteen, my still having a North Carolina accent, the divorce from his wife, the fact that I still can't speak spanish, the new job that brought him to Miami, my love for this city that keeps me here, the chances of him visiting again...

Well, it was good to see him and the sight of him still makes my heart skip a beat. He has grown into an even more wonderful man then he was all those years ago and he was pretty wonderful then. His life is full and happy and I am happy for him.

After I left him at his hotel, I smiled all the way home. We had shared a wonderful night, but (didn't you just know there would be a but) I wouldn't trade the life I've known since we parted for the life I would have had if things had worked out for us way back then. Staying with him all those years ago would have meant never meeting Charlie, the real love of my life.

It's been almost three years since Charlie passed away and they've been rough years. I miss him everyday, but the years that we had together have given me the strength to get through. My life is not perfect and it isn't the life I used to dream of, but it's my life and it's a pretty good one to have.

My life may not be perfect, but I do have perfect days and if those Dolphins had been able to pull off a win, yesterday would have been one of them. LOL! I can't wait to see what today has in store for me!

How are you going to spend your day...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Life is good!

This morning I participated in the Buddy Walk to support the Downs Syndrome Foundation. I was part of a group walking in honor of my student, Vincent. The three mile walk took place on the boardwalk at Hollywood Beach. There was a nice breeze and the sky was a little overcast so the sun wasn't too bright. There was a breakfast for us and a cookout after the walk was over. They even set up bounce houses for the kids. The Ocean lifeguards were training on the beach so us female walkers had some eye candy. LOL! It was funny how everyone stopped for a break right where those guys were.
As we huddled up for pictures I looked around at the group I was with and smiled. I am lucky enough to have friends that will give up a Sunday morning just because I asked them to. Friends who are honest enough to tell me when they don't like my shoes or outfits. Friends with shoulders that I have leaned on more times than I can count. Friends who let me know when I'm getting just a little too full of myself. Friends who showed up to honor a five year old boy.
I have the best friends in the world and life is good. Now, if only the Dolphins could manage to beat the Ravens...
Here's a goodie for those of you that have found friends as good as mine and for those of you that are still looking...


Lately, I've suffered from a lack of creativity. Have you gone through that? I need to make Halloween gifts for my class, but I don't like anything that I've come up with so far. I need to catch up on some scrapbook pages, but I just can't get into it. I'm getting paid to make some candy bar wrappers for a friend to give out at her daughter's tenth birthday party, but I just want to eat the chocolate. LOL!

I think I've fallen into a rut. I keep doing the same things the same way and I need a change. I need to step out of my comfort zone and try something new. I have no idea what that something new will be, so wish me luck!

Here's a goodie for anyone else that has ever fallen into a rut...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's a beautiful day!

It's a beautiful day here on Miami Beach! It's 79 outside and the sun is shining. Does life get better than this?

I had plans to get so many things accomplished today and haven't done any of them. I decided to play instead! I won't be doing any housecleaning today. Today my home is a "No broom zone" LOL!

Here's a goodie for anyone else that decided to play today...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back outside!

Special things

Just a quick post today. Lots and lots of things to get done. Have a wonderful and special day!

Friday, October 17, 2008


I received a request for this. Amber, I hope this is what you were trying to describe. Just let me know if you need anything else.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Crafting Area

Last night I was trying to clean up the room I do my crafting in. It's a small space so it should have been easy, but OMG! I couldn't believe how much stuff I had stored in there. LOL! I've always looked at pictures of workrooms in the magazines and thought about how much I wish I had that space. Well, not anymore! After my feeble attempt to clean my space I've decided that it fits me perfectly---just like an old comfortable shoe.

Here's a goodie for anyone that knows what I'm talking about...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I got word that the links weren't working for the "attitude" downloads. I have reloaded the graphics and they should be working now. You can also pick them up here...

and here...

Now, here's a goodie about another attitude that some of you may understand to help make up for any problems the bad links caused...

Weekend Walk

This weekend I am going to walk in the Downs Syndrome Buddy Walk on Hollywood Beach. I have a student in my class that has Downs Syndrome and he is the light of my day. I am not lying when I tell you that my world became a much better place when he became a part of it.

I know that his parents were worried when he was born. They were afraid that they wouldn't be able to meet his needs. They were afraid that they would let him down. Their worries were all for nothing. He has thrived in their care and is the most amazing little boy. Isn't it wonderful the things that love can conquer?

Here's a little goodie for anyone else that has learned the power of love...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I know someone who is 6 going on 40. LOL! Do you know anyone like that? Here's a goodie for you if you do.

Get the boy here...

And get the girl here...

Monday, October 13, 2008

Singing in the shower

Do you sing in the shower? Tell the truth! Usually I get in the shower, wash and get out. You see I like to sleep until the very last minute so that doesn't leave lots of time to linger in the mornings. But on the days that time allows I sing and I sing loud! I think I'm a rock star! How about you?

Here'a a goodie for all the other shower singers...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

By special request...

I was asked to make this by a friend for some pages she is working on. What a wonderful pledge it is to make to ourselves. We should all make the most of ourselves and of the time we have. Work is important but so are other things. We seem to get so tied up with responsibilities that we forget about all the other things that are important in our lives. Things that we need to make ourselves complete.
You can pick up your goodies here...
and here...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

It happened again

Yesterday, there were more budget cuts made and my school lost more employees. It's so sad, because all the kids are still there wanting and waiting to learn. Everyone is expected to do more with less in order to give the kids everything they need and deserve. But, we must do this while our hearts hurt for the others that have been let go and while we worry about our own jobs.
It is hard to stay positive with the economy the way it is, but we need to try our best to do hust that. So, say a prayer, cross your fingers, wish on a star and hope with all your might that things will get better soon.
Here's a goodie for everone that still has hope...

Night Sounds

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night because you thought you heard something? Have you sat up and listened to see if you can hear it again? Well, this happened to me last night and I could not get back to sleep. I'm not sure why I woke up. It might have been a dream that I can't remember. It might have been nothing at all. But...it is October and strange things are happening everywhere. LOL!

Here's a goodie for all the strange sounds you hear in the night...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rough spot in the road

I have a friend that is going through a really rough spot right now. I wish I could help her but I'm afraid that she must go down this road alone. She knows that we're all here for her and that we're pulling for her. I have faith that she'll be fine and when she rounds the final bend in the road she'll find all of her friends waiting for her.

We've all been down for one reason or another at one time or another. When you're in the thick of things it's hard to see your way out. Just put one foot in front of the other, look straight ahead and keep your wits about you. It will be OK.

Here's a goodie for anyone that's also hit a rough spot or knows someone else that has...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good or Bad?

OK, I have to know would you be the wicked witch or the good witch? I guess we all want to be the good witch, but aren't there just days when the bad witch comes out?
Here's a goodie for you..

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Here's a request...

Here's a goodie that my friend Rachel requested for her little vampire, 7 year old Cody. He's a cutie and I hope I get a picture of him in his costume to share with you.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Still Thinking about candy!

Yes, I've still got Halloween candy on my mind! Am I bad or what? LOL!
Here's a goodie for all the other candy junkies out there...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Trick or Treat

I didn't quite understand trick or treating when I was very young. I tried to insist that I be allowed to eat my candy after every house. LOL! I told you that I had a sweet tooth!

I remember the streets being filled with families going house to house. I remember the decorations in the yards. I remember my dad standing back and watching as we walked up to a house and rang the doorbell. I remember the neighbors pretending not to know us when they opened the door. I remember getting mad when someone gave me an apple instead of chocolate. I remember going home and sorting out the "good" candy from the "bad" and in those days the "bad" candy was the kind that I didn't like. My parents always checked it over but we didn't really have to worry about someone putting something in the candy.

I think it's sad that kids today won't have those memories. The areas that still allow trick or treating mainly have it during daylight hours. Where I live the kids hit up Lincoln Road and go to the stores for their trick or treating. Then they're off the streets before the sun goes down and the adults come out to play.

When it comes to Halloween I miss the old days. Here's a couple of goodies for anyone else that misses it too...



Sunday, October 5, 2008

I want candy!

Hi, my name is Ginger and I'm a chocoholic. I admit it. I have the biggest sweet tooth ever. That makes this time of year wonderful for me. All the stores have out all kinds of candy for Halloween. Of course I stock up even though I can't remember when the last time was that I actually had trick or treaters come to my door. LOL!

Here's a goodie for everyone out there that has a sweet tooth...

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Party time!

I'm heading out to a little party tonight. It's not really a Halloween party, but it is October and it is a party. Don't you just love parties?

Here's a little goodie for the party animal in you...

Friday, October 3, 2008

I don't carve pumpkins

I don't carve pumpkins because I can't. I don't have a steady hand, a creative mind or the patience for the mess. I look at all the carved pumpkins I see and I admire the people who took the time to create such wonders. I'd love to see pictures of your carved pumpkins, please share them so I can highlight them here.

Here's a goodie for your pumpkin pages...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I know everyone probably has all of their back to school scrap pages done, but I don't. LOL! I made a promise to myself that I was going to stay on top of things this school year and I've already broken the promise. It didn't take me long to fall behind since we've only had 30 school days and I'm already behind. I made this to use on some of my pages and I thought that maybe someone else could use it too.

You can pick up the goodie here...

What's your story?

Have you ever noticed how the Halloween costume you wear tells something about where you are in your life at the moment? Maybe you're feeling powerful like a superhero? Maybe you feel special like a princess? Maybe you feel a little wicked? Tell me, what's your story going to be this Halloween?

Here's a goodie to help tell your story...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's October!

Wow! September sure did fly by quickly. I'm glad it's October. October is such a fun month. What do you say we spend the whole month getting ready for Halloween?

Here's a goodie for anyone that likes October and Halloween as much as I do...


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