I had an aweful day! On top of the funeral my computer got sick and died. My friend Brent (Orange Croc Guy to those of you that know me) spent most of the day bringing it back to life for me. I owe him a lifetime supply of beer and will gladly repay the debt! He was able to save lots of my things and I am so grateful!
I've cried so much today my eyes are swollen. I want to crawl into a nice warm bubble bath and escape for awhile and that is exactly what I am going to do. I decided that before I write this day off I would make a list of some good things that happened so that I won't feel totally defeated. Here's my list...
1. I woke up (that's way better than the alternative)
2. I got on the scales and I was 4 pounds lighter than I was this time last week. (Don't know how that happened, just glad it did!)
3. I found my missing resort pass (thank goodness)
4. I found 20 dollars (yipee!)
5. I paid less than $3.00 a gallon for gas for the first time in I don't know how long (It was $2.99 LOL)
6. I have a friend that spent most of his day taking care of me (Thank you, Orange Croc Guy!)
Well that's my list. I feel better already! Now, it's off to that bubble bath then to bed.
I hope you don't have too many days like mine, but if you do remember....