***If the download link isn't working, please, just right click on the word art and save it to your computer.***

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I got word that the links weren't working for the "attitude" downloads. I have reloaded the graphics and they should be working now. You can also pick them up here...

and here...

Now, here's a goodie about another attitude that some of you may understand to help make up for any problems the bad links caused...

Weekend Walk

This weekend I am going to walk in the Downs Syndrome Buddy Walk on Hollywood Beach. I have a student in my class that has Downs Syndrome and he is the light of my day. I am not lying when I tell you that my world became a much better place when he became a part of it.

I know that his parents were worried when he was born. They were afraid that they wouldn't be able to meet his needs. They were afraid that they would let him down. Their worries were all for nothing. He has thrived in their care and is the most amazing little boy. Isn't it wonderful the things that love can conquer?

Here's a little goodie for anyone else that has learned the power of love...


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