OK, Ok, I know I make you guys read about how much I love fireworks every 4th of July and New's Years, but seriously.....I love fireworks!!!
Tonight we sat outside and had the perfect view of SIX---yes I said six!---different firework displays. Now, most of them were small and far enough away that they weren't really impressive.
The fireworks from Fisher Island were beautiful, but really didn't last very long. That was disappointing because the Fisher Island people are super rich! They should have put on a longer fireworks display.
The fireworks from Bayfront Park had the added beauty of the Miami skyline so as usual they were my favorite this year.
There weren't any fireworks from Star Island, but that's ok because no one can out do the display P. Diddy put on 5 or 6 years ago. Do you remember that? There was a big blow up between him and Rosie O'Donnell because of it.
She went on TV and said, "You set of fireworks and my kids were sleeping. They were scared and it's all your fault."---or something like that. Then he came back and said, "Yeah, i set of fireworks. It was the 4th of July. DUH!"---or something like that.
Well, we were there! We weren't actually at P. Diddy's party, but we were sitting on our side of the bay (the poor side) watching the fireworks from his party. They were awesome!