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Oh yuck, I hate Mondays! This should be a fun week though. On Friday we're having our 2nd annual Kinder Olpmpics. LOL! We decided to try this last year in honor of the real Olympics and the leap year. It was so much fun that we're doing it again.
By the way, last year I won the teacher sack race. After the race was over I noticed that my class wasn't cheering for me. One little girl looked at me and said, "You didn't fall down or anything." LOL!
I watched as much of the Oscars and the pre-show as I could hoping to see Natalie, but the cold medicine kicked in and I fell asleep. With my luck there was a great shot of her on the red carpet and I slept through it. LOL! SSSHHHH! If we don't tell her she'll never know! I just hope she's having fun.
Last week we were learning the letter "Z" so on Friday we made Zebra Shakes. It's just a vanilla shake with white and chocolate chips but it's good. I used Shel's White Chocolate Kit to scrap one of the pictures.

Make sure you visit Shel's Blog to pick up the first part of the elements for this kit.