I have people make fun of my North Carolina accent all the time even though I don't think I have one. LOL! I let them know that although I may sound like a country girl, I am a city girl through and through! Even as a young girl growing up in that small NC town I just knew that I was supposed to live in the city. So, imagine my surprise when I grew up moved to Miami and fell in love with a cowboy. When Charlie was alive, he always owned horses and if I had ever asked him to choose the horses or me, there's no doubt that he would have chosen the horses. He even rode out a hurricane in his truck, out in the pasture, once because he had gone to check on the horses and lost track of time. I was worried and he just laughed it off. Thank goodness we didn't take a direct hit from that storm!
Needless to say, those horses caused more than one argument! At the time it drove me crazy, but now I would give anything to be able to listen to him explain why the horses needed this or that. April the Scrapaholic has got an awesome set called Chris' Rustic Cowboy that I just had to play with. The set is on sale for 50% off! Here's a simple layout I did using one of the background papers and frames:

Now, on to today's wordart. You can download it here

Ok, it's bedtime for me. Two more weeks of work then two weeks of vacation. I can make it!