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Come back tomorrow for the girl version of this wordart!
Why has time gone by so quickly? The last two weeks have just flown by and I actually have to go back to work on Monday. I can't believe it!
I went out this morning for a haircut and hit up the mall for awhile. Shopping always make me happy. LOL!
It's been cold here lately. It's supposed to get down to 44 tonight and tomorrows high is only supposed to be 65. I think I'll stay inside tomorrow! Actually, staying inside won't be such a bad thing, I've got lots of things that need to be done.
One of my high school volunteers gave me a book called Marked to read over Christmas break. It's the first in a series of 6 books. It's about vampires and she thought I would like it since I love Twilight so much. Well, it's no Twilight but it's not bad either. I just finished reading the second book and am ready to start the third one. Don't you just love the public library? LOL!
I'm going to bed now. Enjoy your day and don't forget to look for me at digifree!