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So, after baking those Nestles cookies and eating them for the last two days I find out that they've been recalled. See, this is why I don't cook! This is why I should just stay boring! LOL!
I baked the cookies and I haven't gotten sick yet so I'm sure I'm OK. Even if I do get sick they tasted so good that it was totally worth it! LOL! However, the next time I want cookies.....it's back to the bakery for me! LOL!
If you haven't heard about the recall yet you can read about it here.
The guys went fishing today and came home with lots of goodies so we all got together and had a grilled fish dinner. Orange Croc Guy was in charge of the grill and he's a much better cook than I am! I offered to bring what was left of the cookies I baked but no one was interested. They said that they wouldn't even eat them if the dough hadn't been recalled. LOL! I've got such loving and supportive friends.
I reached a milestone on the wii fit today. My piggy bank turned GOLD! That means I've finally worked out for more than 40 hours. YIPPEE! I was going to celebrate with a cookie, but Nestles ruined that for me. LOL!
To go along with the bad news from Nestles I decided to add a countdown to the first day of school at the bottom this page. YUCK! Why can't I be rich?!?! Why can't summer vacation last forever?!?! LOL!
I'm going to bed now. Enjoy your day!