***If the download link isn't working, please, just right click on the word art and save it to your computer.***

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Is it Friday yet?

Download wordart here

It's amazing how tired the first week of school makes me! I plan on sleeping through the weekend----if it ever gets here! We had our first fire drill of the year today and that's always fun. NOT! LOL!

My lunch didn't get stolen today so I guess that's a plus. LOL! I did tell my assistant principal that I would be constantly reminding her that I have to eat lunch alone. She just laughed at me. Sometimes, it's a bad thing when no one takes you seriously!

I've got a QP for you that I made with April's new kit. The kit is called My Dad and is a wonderful tribute to her stepfather. Here's a preview of the kit...

The download link for the QP is below the picture...

Download QP here

The quote is on the QP, but I thought you might like to have it separately also so you can download it here

I really should be asleep now, so I'm going to bed. Enjoy your day and remember to look for me on digifree.


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