I'm home and I'm glad. I love traveling, but it's always great to get home again! Of course, we got in this morning as south Florida was getting the rain from Bonnie so my little street was flooded again. Thank goodness that has passed over us! These storms aren't supposed to come here until after school starts so I can get a day off. LOL!
As soon as I dig the camera out I'll share some of the photos with you. We spent time in Arizona and at the Grand Canyon. Beautiful!
I've spent most of the day doing the laundry and catching up on emails. If you're waiting to hear from me and haven't...I promise I'll get to you soon. I was going to order my welcome home fajitas tonight, but I was too tired to even do that. Can you believe it?!?!? I'm not worried though cause it gives me something to look forward to tomorrow. LOL!
I'm going to watch some of Big Brother now before I go to sleep. Enjoy your day!