I know I've told you all about my basement photography class and how much I'm enjoying it, but there's something else I should tell you. Something I need to confess.....
I am the worst photographer in the whole class!
I am the worst photographer in the whole basement!
My true confession is that.....I don't care! I'm having fun!
Every Saturday we get the photos we took during the week critiqued and today it was determined that I was in the class to serve as a bad example. At one point the instructor asked why I took a certain picture and I replied with an honest "I don't know!" That reply lead to him asking "What do you mean you don't know?" Once again I honestly replied by saying, "Have you met me?" lol!
The instructor made it clear during the first week of class that everything we did was do be done in the manual setting and we had to write down what white balance, ISO, aperture and shutter speed we used. After seeing my pictures today, he told me to go to the automatic settings from now on. I guess being the worst has advantages....now I get to let the camera do all the hard work for me. lol!
After sitting through the rest of my very long and painful critique I announced to everyone that I have now shown them what NOT to do and that I expect all of their pictures to be better next week. Being helpful feels so good. lol!
I was a little sad after class, but a couple of margaritas at lunch cleared that right up!
Now, I'm going to share my less than perfect photos with you. Critique away! Just remember that you'll have to think long and hard to come up with an insult that I didn't already hear today.
The instructor asked why I took this picture...
I loved this photo. I mean, come on! It's a plastic Jesus statue with a broken thumb in the middle of the woods with an old beat up red truck in the background. I was told that I totally missed the shot because the truck added nothing to the photo...
I did get told that this picture "could" have been good if the Christmas light had been lit. Sorry, I don't control the outdoor lights at Cauley Square...
Now, I'm going to sleep so that I can go out and take some more bad pictures tomorrow. lol!