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Today was an extra quiet day for me. I woke up, worked out on the wii fit, played on the computer, took a nap, played on the computer, read, ate some ice cream and now I'm playing on the computer again. We were going to go out for a boat ride but the clouds were moving in and no one wanted to get caught in a storm.
I played around with April's Over the Hill kit even though I couldn't find the pictures I wanted. This is a picture of my friend, Betty, taken right before she realized that we had a surprise luncheon planned for her birthday.

Have you checked out the Stuff to Scrap store lately? There are so many wonderful kits by so many wonderful artists! Here's one of my favorites by The Scrappy Kat...

Isn't this kit just adorable? You could use today's wordart with this kit to make an awesome layout! You can buy this kit here.
Enjoy your day!