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Oh, I'm so happy that it's Friday! It's a teacher workday and payday too! LOL!
I'm getting so excited about London. I'm leaving in one week! Tonight I pulled the suitcase out of the closet so that I could start throwing stuff in it this weekend. If you could see the way I pack you would know that I mean literally---THROW stuff in it. LOL!
Thank goodness for insurance! Today I received a detailed bill for my hospital stay. Remember, it's just the hospital and not the individual doctor bills and other things that I'll get charged for. This bill was for 64 thousand dollars. OUCH! I just don't know how people without insurance do it. Luckily, I'll just have to meet the deductible.
I made a quick layout using papers from April's New Home Kit. Aren't these papers just the best?

Here's a preview of the full kit that available at ScrapitSassy

If you would like to pick up an adorable mini kit go visit Shel Belle Scraps! Here's a preview of the kit she posted on her blog Wednesday. The colors are awesome!

It's bedtime for me. Enjoy your day!