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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Random text messages

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So, I went to work without my phone.  It's not a big deal to me. I leave home without it at least once a week. lol!

But today when I got home and checked to see if I had missed anything important there were a couple of text messages from a number I didn't recognize.  It was a 904 area code and I know that's in Jacksonville, Florida so I read the message.  Here's what it said.....

Brother Marc, I just wanted to apologize again for my unacceptable behavior at the yoga party and make sure you know I didn't mean it in any way. I am working to control my drinking and learning my limits.  Before I felt like I could tell you anything and I hope this accident doesn't change that.  Again I'm can't say sorry enough for my disrespect actions.

Now, my first thought was.....That must have been one kick ass yoga party!

My second thought was .....Who knew yoga parties could be kick ass?!?

My third thought was.....Why wasn't I invited?

Then I read the second random text.....

My only thought was.....Dude, good luck with that controlled drinking!  My name isn't Marc!


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