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I actually made it across the expert level on the tight rope thingy today! I am still excited about it. I also tried the advanced level on the table balance for the first time today. I made it to level six. I'm not so excited about that, but I must admit it's better than I did the very first time I tried the beginning level. LOL!
This evening I was in desperate need of some aspirin, Tylenol, Advil or anything really and I had nothing. I paid my neighbor a visit and she didn't have any either. However, she did have some tequila! After we split a pitcher of margaritas I didn't have a headache anymore. Or maybe I did and just didn't care anymore. LOL!
I'm going to bed now, because I have to get up in the morning and remember to get my hair cut since I missed Friday's appointment. Wish me luck and enjoy your day!