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Well, I'm not AS unbalanced as I was. LOL! Tonight, for the first time, I completed all eight levels of the table balance on wii fit. YIPPEE! I had made it to the eighth level before, but had never finished it before running out of time. Now I have and I am rather proud of myself. Can you tell? LOL!
Have you ever done the 10 minute free run on wii fit? Have you noticed that Mario is on the bridge? Do you know why he's there? Does he do anything special? LOL! He's probably just there to make people think he does something when he really doesn't. If you haven't noticed him yet look for him. When you're on the first bridge after the run starts and you get to the top. He's on the right hand side of the bridge right as you start to go down the hill. He looks like grafitti on the bridge, but he's there.
Back in October I posted about having dinner with my "What if Guy". Well, guess who's coming to town this weekend? You guessed it! Mr. What if himself will be in Miami on Friday. I'm excited about seeing him again. This time he's going to meet some of my friends. Poor guy! I hope he's up to the challenge. LOL!
I'm glad to be touching base with an old friend again because it looks like I'm losing a a current friend. I'm not sure why she's angry with me and I've tried asking. She just rolls her eyes and walks away mumbling. She isn't always the easiest person to get along with, but she's never treated me like this before. I know she has an unhappy home life and I've tried to be understanding. For weeks now I tried to give her space to get over what ever is bothering her. I've tried to make nice. I've bitten my tongue instead of losing my temper at her behavior. Nothing seems to make a difference. I feel like there's nothing else I can do. It's all so sad.
Now, on a happier note, my buddy Dianna at Digicats is working on a chocoholic kit that she'll be releasing soon! That motivated me to share this with you today instead of saving it for later. I hope she can use it in her kit and I hope you can use it for your projects too!

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Now I've got to get some sleep. Enjoy your day!