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My friend Rachel is a liar! I told her I was going to tell the whole world, but I can't really do that so I'll just tell you guys. LOL! We had another beautiful day so we were sitting outside at one of the restaurants on Lincoln Road having dinner and drinks. Well, she was talking a mile a minute about her day since I'm still not talking very much.
Two guys pulled up chairs and joined us. They were younger then us, not my type at all and Rachel is very happily married, but they bought us a round of drinks so we let them stay. LOL!
Well, for some reason during the conversation Rachel felt the need to tell them that she was 50 years old. She's NOT 50! I just sat there in shock wondering why she would add years to her age when I'm always trying to subtract them from mine. Well, one of the guys then looked at me an asked if I was 50 too. Let me tell you, as loud as my crackly voice would allow I made it quite clear that I wasn't. LOL!
As we were walking back home I asked Rachel WHY, why in the world would you tell someone you're 50 when you aren't?!?! She said that's her new thing. She then announced that she looks good for 40, but she looks awesome for 50. LOL! I guess you can't argue with that kind of logic.
My friends are crazy and I love them!
I've got a candy bar wrapper for you that I made with April's Hallow's Eve kit. I hope you can use it. The download link is below the picture.

Download wrapper here