If there had been a reset button on this day I would have pushed it over and over and over!
I got to school early this morning ready to get some things done in the class after the long weekend and before the kids arrived. I got nothing done! Between helping someone else with their computer problems and accepting the fact that the air conditioning was broken my plans for the morning were shot.
We left the lights off. proped the door open, opened the windows and prayed for cool air. Cool air that finally came less than an hour before school was dismissed for the day and after someone finally made a call downtown and woke someone up to have them push whatever button they need to push to get the air turned on in our building after our long weekend.
Gotta love it!
Around 11 o'clock it started raining and it rained hard! I had to close the windows because everything was getting wet and the wind blew over my chart stand. Well, I had just gotten the last window closed and turned to walk back across the room when I hit a rain puddle in the floor and fell. I fell HARD right on my knee.
I wanted more than anything to just stay there on the floor and cry, but I didn't want to scare the kids. So, I bit my lip, pulled myself up and fought back the tears. My class couldn't have cared less. They continued with what they were doing like I fall down all the time and they're used to it. lol!
At that point, I was over the day. WAY over the day! I put in a movie and we watched it in the dark until lunch time.