When I have the time, I love to visit your blogs. I admit that I don't do it as much as I should and want to, but it is always so much fun to see what everyone else is blogging about and creating. Wish I had just a fraction of the crafting talent my blog readers have!
Well, the other day I visited Di's blog: Pixie's Crafty Workshop and lucked into a Pay It Forward blog post. I love getting and giving presents so I just had to join in on the fun!
Now, you can get in on the fun too! All you have to do is agree to pay it forward yourself. If you are one of the first three people to leave a comment on this blog post saying you want to join in on the fun you'll receive a surprise in the mail from me. You, in turn, have to make a pay it forward post on your blog and agree to send something to three people.
I will be receiving something from Di and I just can't wait to see who I'll be sending gifts to. So, comment and post away people! Let's get the fun started!