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I've never done the photohunt before, but my friend, April participates, so I thought I would give it a try. Besides, this weeks theme is "nautical" and I've got lots of pictures that will work! LOL! I took this picture last summer at the marina in Coral Gables. Gotta love those sailboats!

This picture is an oldie that I think I've shared here before. This is the view I have from the pool. That's Miami you see in the background.

It's funny that I decided to try this for the first time when there's a nautical theme because this is the weekend of the Miami Beach Boat Show. Do you know what that means? It means---EVEN MORE TRAFFIC! LOL!
Friday at school we celebrated Valentine's Day and the kids had a great time. One of the things we did was use a hundreds chart to color a heart. I used some of April's graphics to scrap the pictures. Here's one layout I made...

April has got a wonderful set called Chocolate Decadence that's on sell at Scrap It Sassy. I used it for today's layout. Here's a preview of the kit for you to see...