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Well, we didn't make it to the Chocolate Festival. Mostly because I was doing things around the house and just couldn't get myself motivated enough to go out. There's always next year. LOL!
We did head out to Lincoln Road to see a free comedy show. It was the last day of the South Beach Comedy Festival and it was a fun way to spend the evening. Of course, we went for margaritas after the show.
The first part of an adorable kit called For The Boys being releases today at Shel Belle Scraps. Here's a preview of the kit and the alpha...

Aren't the colors in the set great? It's perfect for any little boy or outdoor pictures you have. I've made a couple layouts using the set. Here's the first one I did...

This little guy gets so excited when his grandfather picks him up from school! My class faces the street so we can see the cars waiting for dismissal and the minute he spots his Pop-pop he starts pointing and waving. It's so cute to watch!