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One of my students explains everything by saying, "It's magical". I love the innocence with which he sees that world and hope that he holds onto that for many, many years. I thought it was the perfect wordart to share today and I hope that you can use it.
This cold has really kicked my butt! It's settled into that nasty cough that hangs on forever. Everyone says it takes 3 weeks to a month to get rid of it and I"m in my third week now. Of course, being a Kindergarten teacher doesn't help to keep me away from the germs. LOL!
Deanna from Flowerscraps is taking part in another blogtrain this month. You can find her contribution on her blog. It's pretty amazing! Here's one layout I made...

Deanna is now selling her beautiful kits at One Single Seed. Make sure you check out her shop!