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Man, did we ever have a rainy day! I'm really hoping it clears up and we have a beautiful weekend like the weatherman promised we would. But then again, I will probably get a lot more done if it does rain all weekend. LOL!
I showed the finished movie I made to the other teachers and got their seal of approval. We also wanted the kids to see it and of course they think they're movie stars now. I thought it was cute the first time I watched it through and was proud of the job I did, but after viewing it for what seems like a gazillion times it's not so cute to me anymore. LOL!
I've been lucky enough to join another CT! On top of the wonderful graphics I get to work with for April, Deanna, and Shel, I also get to work with Carol Marion's graphics. I must be the luckiest girl in the world!
I've been using Carol's Rainbow Connection kit to play with Chrissy's prom pictures. Chrissy is my friend's daughter and she is a nice as she is beautiful. She graduates from high school this year and has decided to go to the University of South Florida in Tampa. She also got accepted at the University of Miami and the University of Hawaii. She decided that Hawaii was too far away and that UM was a no go because her sister goes there. LOL! Anyway, here's one of the LOs I made...

Here's a preview of the kit...

Carol sells her kits at Moo Two Designs and Desired Designs ~n~ Scraps.
I've also been using parts of her Aloha Kit for some of my end of year projects since we decided to go with a luau theme. The kit is awesome and Carol gave away some add-on freebies to it on her blog. Here's the preview...

I've got another share for you today from the I Hope You Dance song...

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Now, it's late and I am going to bed. Enjoy your day!