Look who came to school today!!!!!.....And.....check out that Spiderman cast!!!!!.....And.....look at those cool wheels he gets to ride around on!!!!!
(That's Ms. Natasha, my new college volunteer, in the pic with Sebastian.)
Sebastian returned to school for a little while today and everyone was so happy to see him! He came in a little shy and uncertain, but it didn't take long for him to warm up and flash some of his famous smiles.
We even got to open some of the mail that came to school during and after spring break. That was so much fun! There was a beautiful space themed pillowcase, some Spiderman goodies, (He's wearing one of the Spiderman socks he got in the pic!) and a box full of beautiful blank cards with envelopes that Sebastian can use as thank you cards for his doctors and nurses.
Sebastian didn't stay for very long today and may not put in a full day at school for some time, but that's ok.
Today he came to school and for just a little while my class was complete again.