Well, I saw Twilight and I am so sad. I know that the books are ALWAYS better than the movies, but they really didn't do a very good job with this movie. They left out lots of things and put in things that didn't need to be there. The actors were all too stiff. Of course, Edward did get to say some of the best lines from the book and the theater full of teen girls screamed everytime he did. LOL!
I'm glad I saw the movie and I'm sure I'll go see the others when they come out, but I feel sorry for the guy the went on Ebay and paid $200 for opening night tickets. He got ripped off! I have to say that the best part of the night was dinner at The Cheesecake Factory after the movie. I love their bacon & shrimp club. Yummy!
Now, I guess it's time to move on from Twilight and think about the holidays. Starting tomorrow, you can drop by here and get one of four bragbook pages that I've put together using graphics from April the Scrapolic. Here's a preview for you...

And since we're thinking about Thanksgiving, we have to think about shopping on Black Friday. LOL! So, here's the link to today's wordart for all the Thanksgiving shoppers out there...
Eat & Shop
Now, I'm going to bed. Enjoy your weekend