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Thanks to a question Ellay asked I realized just how many Christmas presents I still need to buy. I need to get something for the high school volunteers I have. It needs to be something mean. Anyone know where I can pick up some coal? LOL! I also need to pick up something for Orange Croc Guy, but what embarrassing gift can you buy for a guy who already owns a pair of orange crocs? So many decisions to make....
Today was our 70th day of school! Only 110 more til summer vacation. LOL! I stopped at the store this morning to pick up some Zero the Hero treats, but once I was in the store I forgot why I was even there. I walked around and picked up a couple of things that I decided I just had to have. Of course, once I got to school I remembered why I had stopped at the store. LOL!
I ended up running to the Walgreens on the corner during lunch to find some sort of Zero shaped snack. I bought Lifesavors and the kids were not impressed. LOL! I really have to do better for the 80th day!
Could you use a little cheer in your life? Shel has added a cute kit called Cheer to her Stuff to Scrap store. It's a really cute kit with 11 papers, 34 elements and an alpha.

I put together a layout tonight and wanted to show it to you...

I also put together another layout using the Snowy Night collab kit.

Make sure you pick up today's part of this awesome kit from Flowerscraps, JW Digiscraps and The Scrappy Kat.
Well, tomorrow is going to be a long day for me. I've got to go to a meeting after school and I'm so NOT looking forward to it. LOL! I'm going to get some sleep now. Enjoy your day and look for me at digifree!