Today was the first day since I reported the fake celebrity sightings that the universe didn't punishment in some way. I'm hoping that means I've suffered enough bad karma to make up for my sins cause I don't think I could handle much more.
Thursday was the last day of my workshop and while it was enjoyable, I was happy for it to wind down. It was all about motivation ~ What we could do to get the kids and teachers motivated at our individual schools. We have some good ideas and hopefully we'll get them incorporated into our school year.
Personally, I came home happy and motivated and ready to take on the world. And then it happened.....I got online and lost all of my happiness and motivation.
Remember the crazy girl that called me names and insulted my photos because I couldn't give her a ride? Well, she's still stalking my life and has now found the new photography group I joined and guess what---she's now a member too. I just wanted to cry when I saw that cause I had so much fun with the group last weekend and I just can't put myself in a situation where I'll have to deal with her craziness.
The only crazy person allowed in my life is me! Crazy stalker girl is not invited!
The only stalkers I want in my life are my blog readers cause ya'll are far away and don't really know where to find me. Again, crazy stalker girl is not invited!
This is the worst punishment the universe has thrown at me so far. It's all my fault cause I lied to those poor people and I also posted some of my pictures on Facebook. I'm not Facebook friends with crazy stalker girl, but we do have a friend in common so I'm pretty sure that's how she got the info.
Stupid Facebook!
I was going to drop out of the group immediately, but my internet connection messed up and I couldn't get the site to load properly so that I could. I turned my computer off and restarted it only to have the same problem. I went to my neighbors and had the same problem there. Apparently, something was wonky with the internet connection in our whole area yesterday. I gave up and went to bed determined to drop out of the group first thing this morning because I don't want my name associated with hers in any way.
Turns out a good night's sleep was good for me and the wonky internet connection. I got online with no problems this morning, but decided not to drop out of the photography group. It's just a matter of time until she shows them her true crazy stalker self and I can just lay low until that happens then start going to the events again.
I went to the hospital this morning for the sonogram that was supposed to cost me $354, but they didn't say anything about my paying the co-pay. They didn't ask for the money and I didn't offer it. lol!
I got the sonogram done which means there are now some pretty pictures of my spleen, liver and kidneys. Well, actually, I don't know if the pictures are pretty or not because the girl doing the sonogram refused to give up any info. But, it's my organs so how could they be anything but pretty. Right?
I'm heading to bed now. I'm spending Saturday in the everglades taking photos. Wish me luck!
Since it's going to be awhile until I get to hang with the Miami Beach Photography Club again I thought I'd share some of my photos from the infamously fake paparazzi night...