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OK, so today I had to bite the bullet and go to the doctor. YUCK! I just couldn't stop coughing and that's really hard to do when you can't breathe. LOL!
They tried to take chest x-rays but I couldn't take a deep enough breath for them to get a good read on the films. The x-rays are being sent over to the radiologist in hopes that he can see if they're clear or not. Crossing my fingers that they are clear!
They had me take a breathing treatment while I was there. That's something I've never had to do before. Now, in order to fully understand what this was like for me you need to know that I tend to have claustrophobic tendencies. I mean, I can ride in elevators, but you probably wouldn't want to be trapped in one with me. LOL! So here they are telling me that I need to put this mask on my face. Telling a girl with claustrophobic tendencies that is having a hard time catching her breath that she needs to put this tight mask on her face is not a fun thing! I managed to survive though and the treatment did make a difference.
When the doctor was describing what she was going to do to tide me over until we got the results of the x-rays she said that she was "going to cover me in antibiotics". In my sick mind, I was picturing a spa treatment---Instead of a seaweed wrap I would be wrapped in antibiotics. LOL! At the time, it sounded pretty good to me!
Now, I'm home with some very serious antibiotics, the rest of the week off and strict orders to take myself to the ER if I don't notice an improvement. Notice an improvement?!? When these drugs kick in I don't notice anything but the back of my eyelids. LOL!
I've uploaded and preposted some wordart for the next couple of days just in case I sleep through the rest of the week. LOL! The ringer has been turned off on the phone and I'm going to bed now.