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Thursday, October 24, 2013

No school Friday!

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We have  teacher's planning day on Friday and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am.  I'm excited because I won't be working! Lol!

Already this week I've had to call for a clean up twice because of a kid getting sick.  UGH!  Hopefully that will all be over after a three day weekend.

The real reason I'm not working is that I have a new desk being delivered on Friday.  Well, it's not a new desk, it's just a new to me desk.  I love it way more than the one I have now, so I'm pretty excited.

And...since I already know I'm not working Friday...I have plans with OCG on Thursday night and I plan on staying out later than I should. Lol!

Now, I have to tell you the story that gave me my biggest laugh of the week...

I was talking to a friend of mine at school that was working with a group of struggling kindergarten students.  They were playing alphabet bingo and I asked if I could play.  My friend said, "Well, I don't know...Do you know your letters."  I assured her and the kids she was working with that I know all of my letters.  One little boy's eyes got very wide and in an amazed voice he asked...

"Even 's'?"


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