It's almost vacation time! YIPEE!! Since I'll be going out of town on Saturday, I've prepublished several give aways that will start on Saturday. Some days it will be the normal daily wordart and other days there will also be goodies made using graphics from Deanna and April. Make sure you visit the girls and let them know how much you like their graphics!
I finally got a Wii. It's one of my Christmas presents. I spent way more time then I should have getting it set up tonight. LOL! Orange Croc guy usually helps with things like this but he's out of town until Saturday and I'm leaving on Saturday so I just couldn't wait. Anyway, it's all set up and I'm just as bad at playing tennis using Wii as I am at playing it for real. LOL! Tomorrow I am going to get the Wii fit set up. Yes, I'm going to set it up and then go out of town. LOL!
I had a fun two days of Christmas parties at school. Yesterday was for the entire school and today's party was just for our building. FUN!
Now, we're already thinking about spring break. Last year we went to Paris. It looks like this year may be a trip to London. I am so lucky to work with the people I do. Not everyone wants to travel with their coworkers.
OK, I really need to get some sleep now. Have a great day!
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