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You know you're lazy when you order dinner from the deli in the same building you live in and still have them deliver. LOL! I couldn't help it, I just didn't feel like walking down there. I made up for it by working out a little longer on the wii fit.
I'm excited about it being the end of April. We're that much closer to summer vacation!
Friday is Truck Day at school. They get area business' to bring out the big trucks they use and the drivers tell the kids all about the truck and how it helps them do their jobs. This year they've had a hard time getting companies to volunteer for this program because of the economy. It will still be a fun day for the kids though!
Their favorite part is when the drivers blow the horns on the trucks. So, even if we only have one truck the kids will love it as long as he blows the horn. LOL!
We're getting closer to Saturday and all the fun at the Stuff to Scrap Forum! Don't forget to come by and join in on the fun!

I'm off to bed now. Enjoy your day!