Well, now that it's time for the weekend, I thought I would catch you up on what I did last weekend.
On Saturday I attended a wildlife/nature photography exhibit. The photos were beautiful and the photographer was very nice. She had some beautiful sunset shots! The food at the reception was pretty good too. lol!
Since the exhibit was held at one of the visitor centers in the Everglades some of us decided to head out to take some more photos. We walked the Anhinga Trail (Photos coming soon) then stopped at Pine Glades Lake to get some sunset photos. I'll show you some of those photos at the end of this post.
In true Everglades fashion it rained and it rained and it rained. For the most part we stayed inside the visitors center and avoided the rain and while we were on the Anhinga Trail the sun was out in full force. It was hard to believe that it had been raining cats and dogs just an hour or so earlier.
After we got set up on Pines Glades Lake the clouds came back. For some reason mother nature doesn't seem to want us to take sunset pictures in the Everglades. lol! So, we missed the actual sunset because we were back in the cars and headed back to civilization, but I still got some pretty awesome cloud photos!
The only really bad thing about the day were the insects by the lake. That far into the Everglades they just seem to laugh at your feeble attempt to cover yourself in bug spray. Actually, it seems to anger them and they bite you even more. lol!
On Sunday, I went with some friends to Fairchild Tropical Gardens to take more pictures since there is no admission on Sundays in the month of August.
Want to know why there's no admission on Sundays in the month of August? It's because it's so freaking hot! When you seek refuge in the bathrooms because they're air conditioned you know it's bad. lol! Of course, it didn't help that I was really tired from the day before. I got some photos though and I'll share those with you later.
The best part of my weekend didn't happen until Monday night. I attended the monthly meeting of the Miami Street Photography Club and had a blast.
By the way, I think I've fallen in love with street photography! I love taking pictures of people as they go about their lives. They aren't posed or set up and you just capture that moment in time.
At the meeting we had a mini lesson on the life and photos of Elliott Erwitt. Then we critiqued some of the photos that had been taken by other members of the group. It was fun to hear what everyone thought of the photos and there were some beautiful photos shown.
After the meeting some of us went out for a late dinner. That was also fun!
The meeting was held at the Kike San Martin Studios. On top of being a great photographer, who photographs the the rich and famous, Kike is just a really nice guy.
I made sure I introduced myself to him so that I could ask if William Levy had really been in his studio ~ the studio that I was standing in. He assured me that he had and I thanked him for allowing me to even enter through the front door. lol!
Kike laughed and said, "Follow me." He started walking and I followed thinking I was going to see more William Levy photos. I didn't get to see more than William Levy photos, but he did show me more photos that he had taken and shared a story or two about some of them.
How awesome is that?!?!
On Saturday we're going to the Wynwood Art Walk which is always a colorful and lively event. Hopefully, I'll get some more great street photography photos there. And yes, whether you like it or not, I'll share some of them with you. lol!
Now, here are some of my photos from Pine Glades Lake...
This little guy was swimming right for us, but luckily once he saw that we were set up on his path decided he wasn't in a social mood and made a right turn. lol!
Bore you again later!