Next Saturday we're going to Wings Over Miami to take pictures and someone asked me today if I would give them a ride. Well, because of my schedule and other plans I'm not able to give the ride and apparently that makes me the most evil person in the world.
Seriously, I have spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out what I'm missing. How and why does someone get angry over something like that? I mean, while I'm more than willing to help if I can it's not my responsibility and I already have other plans.
Would you seriously expect someone to leave where they are drive 30 to 45 minutes to pick you up and then drive back to the general area they were in to begin with? I was going to offer the person a ride home if they could get there on their own, but I never had time to do that cause she was already sending me nasty text messages and saying that my photos suck.
Yep, that was the big insult of the day---my photos suck. lol!
Tell me, who is the crazy person?