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I love going on vacation, but I love coming back home too! We returned from London yesterday. The plane home was an hour late taking off. yuck! Apparently, when you fly Virgin Atlantic out of London you aren't actually given your seat assignments until your tickets are printed at check in. That means that not everyone traveling together will be sitting together. There were actually children given seats in one place while their parents had seats in another. It took some time, but they finally got people to change seats so that the children were sitting with at least one of their parents and we could take off.
London was beautiful and we had fantastic weather! It didn't rain on us once! The locals that we spoke to said they couldn't believe the amazing weather. We told them that we brought it with us from Miami. LOL!
When you travel with a group of girls there are bound to be problems and we had ours. One of the girls with us wanted everyone to do what she wanted when she wanted and if she had her way we would have seen nothing of London but the subway and the free museums. Well, she didn't always get her way. LOL! It made her angry, but it sure didn't ruin our trip!
I've got a ton of pictures to share! Would you believe that I still haven't dug the camera out of my suitcase? Lazy, right? I slept for well over eight hours Thursday night then took a three hour nap on Friday afternoon. I think I'm all caught up on my sleep and back on Miami time now.
I've got tons of laundry to do, a DVR box to empty, books to read, pictures to scrap and a house to clean. I've got to do it all before going back to work on Monday. Wish me luck!