Do you ever stop and think about all the random things that affect your life? Lately, I've found myself thinking about them quite often.
On some random day back in 2008 I had the random idea of starting a random blog. I had no idea what I would blog about or who would care enough read my ramblings, but I blogged anyway.
I blogged about the random things I saw, felt and did. I blogged about things that were funny and things that were sad and things that were just so random they made no sense at all. I blogged and for some random reason you found your way here.
Many of you have been with me for years and others have found your way here more recently. You have all left random comments and sent random emails that have cheered me up, encouraged me, made me laugh and lifted my spirits.
Time went by and for some random reason I kept blogging and you kept reading.
Then, two weeks ago I had another random idea. I decided to tell you about a student that had randomly been placed in my class this year and you opened your hearts to him.
Today, after school, I stood in my class with two other teachers as we read the random postmarks on over thirty cards and packages that had arrived for Sebastian. Cards from different states and countries. Cards from people that we don't know and will probably never meet. Cards that have served as reminders of how truly awesome people can be!
You can keep up with the cards that are received in this post. And just think....it all started with that random thought on that random day all those years ago.
Sometimes, random is good!