If you know a cute, adorable, strong willed and independent girl then you need the newest kit from Two Moose Designs! It's even called Miss Independent. Check out this preview...
There are 16 papers, 48 elements and two full alphas. The colors are bright and beautiful and perfect for girls of all ages!
Your comments and emails have been wonderful. Thank you so much!
I love that you guys let me totally vent and then lift me up without getting all judgey and everything.
However, I also know that no one wants to read depressing blog posts every day. So, I thought I would tell you something I am thankful for.
I didn't want to go with the obvious things that everyone says they're thankful for cause that would be cliche and boring. You know what I mean.....
I'm thankful I'm a natural blonde, I'm thankful I have a hot fajita delivery guy, I'm thankful Orange Croc Guy is a better cook than I am, blah blah blah, etc., etc., etc.....
I really am thankful for those things, but I wanted to go deeper. I wanted to think about the little things you're thankful for that you might not even think about on a daily basis.
I was watching a rerun of The Big Bang Theory when it occured to me what I should tell you I'm thankful for. Actually, it during one of the commerical breaks.....
I am thankful that the people responsible for those stupid free credit report commercials brought back the original band.
I get that they're actors and not even a real band and that the commercials are stupid and annoying, but you know you've sung along to the songs just like I have. Admit it!
I've got nothing against the second band. They just weren't the original guys and the original guys are just so awesomely corny and bad that I love them.