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I guess I went to bed still craving something sweet since the blueberry muffins were a little less than spectacular. LOL! I dreamed I was at some kind of meeting and there were donuts. I was waiting in line to get one of the donuts and just as I was about get one the alarm went off and woke me up. I hit the snooze button so that I could go back to sleep and get the stupid donut----5 times! LOL! I wish I were joking, but I'm not. I don't know why I didn't just get up then stop for a real donut on my way to work cause the going back to sleep thing didn't work. I didn't fall back into the same dream. Story of my life....LOL!
On a brighter note, We've finally decided where Friday's lunch is coming from---Pasha's. I'm ordering the Filet Mignon Shish Kebab. It's no donut, but it will do. LOL!
Go by Shel Belle Scraps and pick up her cute Memorial Day Mini Kit. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but I've got a preview for you to see...

It's bedtime for me. Enjoy your day!