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Thursday, February 12, 2015

I'm ready to win!

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OK, people, this is it!  It's my lucky night!  I am going to be seriously rich when I wake up in the morning!

I wore a green shirt today.  My green candle is burning.  The margaritas I drank tonight were green. 

I'm going to win some green money in tonight's powerball drawing.

When I left school today, I even told people.....

Good bye, forever!  I'm going to win 400 million tonight and I'm never coming back here again!

As I type this, I know that the winning numbers are already posted online, but I don't want to look yet.  I want to go to bed poor and wake up rich.

I also don't want to have to cry myself to sleep, like I know I will, if I didn't win.

Seriously, people, I've got my summer home in Maine all picked out and there's room for all of you to visit.

I am ready for this!


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