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Today was a fun day! Beautiful weather and great friends can't be beat. My friends had the grill going and we went out for a boat ride. Too bad the weekend has to end!
I managed to get a few things made for school that the other teachers have been waiting on forever. It will be nice to take everything to school tomorrow and have one less thing to worry about as the school year ends. LOL! The next big project is a slide show that needs to be made and burned onto CD's before the Luau party on June 3rd.
Remember my lost resort pass? Well, once again I forgot all about it until now. LOL! Looks like I'll be asking the guards to let me in the gate for another day. If I don't find it, the association charges $50 for a new one. YUCK! Guess I should really get to looking!
Deanna of Flowerscraps is releasing a kit today called Home Grown. It's a collab that she worked on with Steph of Scrappy Cocoa and it is wonderful! Here's a layout I made with a picture of our hotel room in London. We decided to take pictures before we started throwing our suitcases and clothes all over the place. LOL!

It's my bedtime. Enjoy your day!