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My friend Natalie is so lucky! She is going to the Oscars! Natalie has a cousin that works for the academy so Natalie is going as her "plus one". Today Natalie asked me for a favor and promised to bring me something from LA if I could help her--I told her I wanted George Clooney! LOL!
OK, true story time. A couple of months after Charlie passed away I got a notice from the security gate wanting me to update my information. They wanted to know the names of anyone living with me so they could get through the gate. They wanted to know the names of anyone that I wanted them to automatically let through the front gate, like family members. Then they wanted to know the names of anyone that I wanted to give restricted entrance to, like the water delivery guy. Anyone else would be stopped at the gate until I confirmed that I was expecting them.
Well, at this point in time, I was still crying on a daily basis because my heart had been broken into so many tiny pieces when Charlie passed away. Those tiny pieces all broke into even smaller pieces at the thought of his name no longer being on that list. I couldn't bring myself to fill the form out and turn it back in. I kept it for another month or so without writing anything.
When I finally decided that I just had to write something and turn it in. I wrote one name on the list of people that they should always let in, no matter what day or time it is. That name was GEORGE CLOONEY. LOL! Mom gets stopped at the gate, but if Natalie keeps her promise and brings George home to me he'll get through the gate with no problem. LOL!